Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year horror fans! The headmaster Doughboy has a great review of his top 10 Horror Movies from 2014. Go do your homework and watch otherwise we'll have to filet and expel you. In that order. Let me know if you agree with the list or if you think we might have missed something in the comments.

I'm going to start adding the YouTube vids from the Hardcore channel up here. Doughboy has also had some of his creepypastas read by the amazing Sociopathic Pasta, and those links should be up shortly as well (feel free to jab me in the eye with a sharp stick if they're not). As always, extra credit for those who subscribe. And imminent death for those who do not.

This is what comes up when you google image search "imminent death". You're welcome. Comic courtesy of Buttersafe.com.

Sometime soon, a brand spanking new pasta will be up, and this will be the first forum it will be published on. Can't wait to share it with you dutiful students.